Day Eight of Quarantine

Day Eight of Quarantine

Things continue to go well for the two new butterflies!  On Thursday they finished their first round of prazi, and since then they were in-between doses (when treating for flukes you must allow a few days between doses for the fluke eggs to...

Training Your Fish to Eat from Your Hand

This is something that a lot of people tend to ask about, so here’s my take on it.  First, clean your hands thoroughly!Step 1: Spend time near the tank to get your fish used to your presence.Step 2: Get your goldfish used to your hands...

Christmas Stockings for My Fish

Christmas Stockings for My Fish

Okay, so I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet and nobody wants to think about Christmas, but I have already been brainstorming about ideas for my Christmas-themed tank decor!  I thought it would be super cute to have miniature...

Wood Goldfish Carving

Wood Goldfish Carving

My husband gifted me with an awesome wood carving of a panda butterfly telescope.  Butterflies are my favorite type of goldfish, and since I can’t get any more live fish for the time being, this is the perfect gift!  The carving...

New Fish on the Way

New Fish on the Way

I’m excited to announce that I have two new fish on the way!  They are butterfly telescopes; one is all-white and the other is red and white. I have wanted an all-white butterfly telescope ever since I first started keeping goldfish a...

A Year of Growth

A Year of Growth

A year ago, I purchased a tiny white/red ryukin as somewhat of an “afterthought”.  I was buying a large butterfly online, and I wanted a second fish to make shipping worthwhile.  Also, I wanted a small ryukin to provide...

Tank Talk | I’m Getting New Fish!

My shipment of Dandy Orandas butterflies should be here tomorrow!  I’m so excited, but also nervous.  I hope nothing goes wrong during shipping; I seem to have terrible luck when it comes to receiving shipped fish.  But DO is...

Update Time!

Update Time!

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated this goldfish blog!  In the last couple months I moved to a new house and got a doberman puppy, so things have been a bit hectic and I haven’t been able to spend much...

New Fish Are Here!

I went to the post office this morning to pick up the package fully expecting the fish to be dead, since they had been in the box since Monday.  I opened the package right there on the post office counter, and was pleasantly surprised to see...

The Ghost Bristols Are Spawning!

Over the past month the two biggest ghost bristols (Wraith and Poltergeist) developed breeding stars, so I figured they were both males.  I was counting on the smallest one then, (Haunt) to be female so I could breed them.  But today I...

AGA Membership

I just want to let you all know that you should sign up formembership with the AGA if you can!  Yearly dues are only $15, and thatmoney goes toward their online publication (which you will receive as amember), promoting all breeds of...