The Egg-laying Begins

The Egg-laying Begins

Up until now, my two nerite snails (one zebra and one red spot) haven’t laid any eggs in the tank, and I was hoping it might stay that way.  But sure enough, during yesterday’s water change I noticed a few tiny white spots on the...

The Snail and the Christmas Tree

The Snail and the Christmas Tree

My red spot nerite snail has discovered the Christmas trees!  He waszooming around eating diatoms on a couple of them yesterday.  Before I decorated my tank for Christmas, I wiped away all the algae anddiatoms so it would look nice in...

Dandy Orandas Giveaway Winners

Dandy Orandas Giveaway Winners

UPDATE: NEW WINNERS POSTED Congrats to Daniel James, our non-US winner, who has claimed his EggLites and will be receiving them shortly!  I gave the two Dandy Orandas gift certificate winners plenty of time, but never heard from them, so the...

New Fish & EPIC Dandy Orandas Unboxing!

New Fish & EPIC Dandy Orandas Unboxing!

Looking back on past videos I have done, it seems that I always get new goldfish in the fall.  I don’t know why, but there it is!  Three years ago, in 2012, I got Luca who is currently my oldest goldfish.  Click here to watch...

Aquarium Sump Assembly- Part 2

Aquarium Sump Assembly- Part 2

I made some progress on my 55 gallon tank setup!  Now I’m pretty much just waiting on a few more parts and waiting for the silicone to cure before I can set it up. Here I’m siliconing the acrylic parts into the sump.  I used...

My Vet Switches from Fish Bowl to Tank

My Vet Switches from Fish Bowl to Tank

When I brought my puppy to the vet about a month ago, I noticed a little fantail goldfish in a 1 gallon bowl on the reception desk.  I didn’t say anything to them at the time because my puppy was being difficult and I was too...

Fish on Wheels?

Look what I stumbled upon. It’s like the fish equivalent of a hamster ball!  What a strange concept.  It’s actually kind of neat, except I don’t think the fish would even like it or understand the point of it. ...

A Very Merry Fishmas to You!

Something I found amusing recently is that almost all the items on my wish list for family are fish-related things!  My list includes auto-feeders, feeding rings, Saki-Hikari pellet food, digital thermometers, and other various fish...

Goldfish Growth and Changes Update

Goldfish Growth and Changes Update

Here’s the most recent update: Butterfly Telescope Growth and Changes Today Luca weighs 47 grams, is 2.75″ in body length, 4.5″ in total length, and has a body depth of 2″.  The orange/red color on his eyes has really...

Day 13 of Quarantine

Day 13 of Quarantine

Quarantine for the butterflies has been uneventful (that’s always a good thing!).  I’ve started feeding them Repashy Spawn and Grow and I think they prefer the taste of this over the Soilent Green.  I like to toss in a big...

Have You Ever Noticed?

Have You Ever Noticed?

Have you ever noticed that goldfish make really funny faces?  Oh who am I kidding, of course you have!  Normally I share photos of my fish looking their best, but today, here are some goofy photos for your amusement.  You’ll...