Viewer Mail!

Viewer Mail!

I have a PO box so you guys can always send me letters, artwork you’ve made, or pretty much whatever you want!  Jennie ConnellyPO Box 7381 Duluth, MN 55807 I’ve been trying to reply to each letter I get, so if you send me...

Solid Gold Sketchbook

Solid Gold Sketchbook

Here’s some art I’ve been working on recently.  The drawing of Clover is the first large-scale (about 11×14″) goldfish drawing I have made and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.  I think I’ll be...

Luca’s Mouth Issue Resolved!

Luca’s Mouth Issue Resolved!

Luca’s mouth is totally back to normal now, thankfully.  I’m so glad it turned out to be nothing more serious.  He was in quarantine for 3 days, and he had a salt dip each day.  Already after just the first salt dip...

A Solution for Ammonia in Tap Water

A Solution for Ammonia in Tap Water

I moved to a new city recently, and where I lived before I never had any issues with ammonia in my tap water.  However, where I live now does have about 0.5 – 1 ppm ammonia in the tap water. Ammonia is very toxic to fish, and even more...

Luca’s Mouth Issue

Luca’s Mouth Issue

My poor little Luca seems to be having a health issue.  On Monday I noticed that his mouth tissue looks frayed as if it’s deteriorating.  See how it appears sort of “frilly” looking?  Well normally it would be...

Happy New Year + Resolutions!

Happy New Year + Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone!  Can you believe another year has come and gone and it’s already 2014?  Does anyone have any new year’s resolutions?  I don’t usually do them, but I decided to set a goal for myself in the...

Where Have I Been?

Where Have I Been?

Hello, my lovely goldfish friends!  I apologize for my long, unexplained absence; life has been full of changes for me lately.  I’ve steadily taken on more responsibility at my “day job” working full-time at a local...

Laguna 60 Gallon Tub Before & After

Laguna 60 Gallon Tub Before & After

Only a fellow goldfish keeper could understand being so excited about a big old plastic tub, but last week I scored a Laguna 60 gallon basin for only $17 from my local fish store!  It was used and pretty grimy, so it needed some...